

  1. 美術、工芸、建築等の現代芸術を国内外に紹介し、その理解を深める機会を提供します。
  2. 海外で活躍する外国人アーティスト等に対して、日本の伝統芸術を学ぶ機会及び新たな価値観を生み出し、その発表の機会を提供します。
  3. 将来を担う次世代の人材に対し、芸術に触れ合い、国際社会におけるコミュニケーションに必要な文化に対する知識や経験を得る教育の機会を提供します。
  4. 芸術イベント等の中で、日本や海外の食文化を紹介、体験を行う企画を通じて参加者が風習を学び、価値を再確認する機会を提供します。



TOMORROW’s mission is to contribute to the greater good of the world by bringing the public inspiring moments that make us think about the future of mankind as it is our belief that peaceful minds today will help make the world a better and more livable place for future generations.


In order to accomplish our mission, TOMORROW will initiate projects that facilitate and unite art, culture, and education, and that advocate for human rights and peace. Furthermore, TOMORROW will also collaborate with other like-minded organizations in carrying out activities and projects that are complementary to our mission.


TOMORROW aims to foster projects that incorporate fine art, crafts, and the built environment. These projects will be developed by living artists, artisans, and architects with a goal of giving people opportunities to deepen their understanding of their ideas and works.


TOMORROW will invite international artists to Japan to study traditional creative skills and crafts as a means to discovering new potential in these techniques, so as to invest them with a new value for all to learn from.


TOMORROW will launch educational strategies to introduce future generations to the arts, spread knowledge, and provide harmonious experiences that will enrich cultural communication globally.


TOMORROW wishes to draw attention to the diverse cultures, ideas and habits of our participating artists and audiences by hosting events, including celebrations not just of art, but also of food, fashion, and traditional customs.

Board Members



理事長   徳田佳世

副理事長  徳山豊、西沢立衛

理事    中田英寿

監事    有田耕介













Board Members

Executive Director | Kayo Tokuda

Deputy Executive Directors | Ryue Nishizawa and Yutaka Tokuyama

Director | Hidetoshi Nakata


Advisory Committee

Soichiro Fukutake, Emi Eu, Teresita Fernández, Richard Geoffroy, Markus Hartmann, Miwon Kwon



Kosuke Arita



Shunya Hashizume

Office Location


Kyoto, Japan